King Manasseh Repents

2 Chronicles 33:1-20

Unscramble the words from the account of King Manasseh. Clues for each word or phrase can be found in the numbered verse from 2 Chronicles 33.

 ASRLAT	           _ _ _ _ _ _ (15)

 BANOBYL           _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (11)

 JULAEMSER         _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (1)

 HEOUS FO HET ODRL _ _ _ _ _   _ _   _ _ _   _ _ _ _ (15) 

 JDHAU	           _ _ _ _ _ (9)

 MHASSEAN          _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (10)

 HBULMDE           _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (12)

 AIRSYAS           _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (11)

"Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance" --Matthew 3:8

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