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Teaching Methods

Just Christians
Know You Are Saved
Rational Thinking


Teaching Methods Ideas Index

Skill Building Activities

Thinking Skills
Build critical thinking skills to carry a child through life.

Improve a child's memory by exercising it.

Lookup Race
Help children learn to find Bible passages on their own.
Increase self-esteem through accomplishments.

Bible Treasure Hunt
Help children learn to find Bible phrases and principles on their own.
Increase self-esteem through accomplishments.

Help children retain more knowledge.
Instill responsibility and discipline.
Encourage parental involvement in religious education.
Increase self-esteem through accomplishments.


Rewards Program
Encourge most anything from completion of work to behavior modification.

This site is dedicated to the furtherance of the Christian faith in its purity and entirety. It is operated strictly on a volunteer basis and on private funds.

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